Guideline 2025

Guidelines 2025

Read more about how to apply to the 2025 Seoul Smart City Prize on the Guidelines Download

Read more about the 2025 Seoul Smart City Prize on the Brochure Download

Read more about the 1st Seoul Smart City Prize in detail on the White Paper Download

Download the application for Tech-InnovaCity - City Government Download

Download the application for Tech-InnovaCity - Institution or Corporation Download

Download the application for Human-CentriCity - City Government Download

Download the application for Human-CentriCity - Institution or Corporation Download

*Please note that the applications for download are for reviewing purposes only.

*Only the applications submitted via the official Seoul Smart City Prize website will be accepted.

Theme of 2025

Fostering digital transformation through innovative and
inclusive approaches for sustainable smart cities

The Seoul Smart City Prize is given in the following three categories



Projects that focus on integration of innovative policies and technologies in all sectors of society and domains ranging from mobility, safety, welfare, environment, energy, culture, and governance.



Projects that are designed to prioritize digital inclusion in smart city development, thereby overcoming or mitigating the digital divide, and that aim to serve specific target groups among the citizen population, such as the elderly, youth, and the disabled.



Individuals that have demonstrated leadership in developing or promoting the innovative use of technology and data to impact the lives of global citizens.

In addition to the above categories, Special Mentions can be given to projects selected by the Seoul Prize Organizing Committee based on the theme and criteria of the Prize.


All local governments, smart tech solution providers, and public organizations, individuals, are eligible to apply for the Seoul Smart City Prize. Please note that individuals are only eligible to apply for the Leadership category. You can find more details about the eligible applicants in Eligibility (pg. 4-5) of the Guidelines

Tech-InnovaCity Prize & Human-CentriCity Prize

  • Cities


    Local and regional governments From all divisions and departments that have developed and/or implemented policies that align with one of the Prize categories. * Governments of all levels, including national, can be considered if the project or initiative targets a select number of cities and/or is deemed in line with the Prize objective by the evaluation bodies.

  • Corporations


    For-profit businesses in the private sector ranging from multinational corporation (MNC), small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) to start-ups, that have actively engaged and invested in one of the Prize categories.

  • Institutions


    Governmental and non-governmental institutions, associations and alliances, national and subnational public agencies, international organizations, as well as academic institutions, think tanks and universities, non-profit organizations that have designed and carried out projects that match one of the Prize categories.

Leadership Prize

The Leadership Prize is open to individuals who contributed to bringing innovation and/or innovative application of technology and data, excellent use of technology and data that increased the quality of life of city residents, achieved significant impact (concepts, values, agendas, projects, products) on the smart cities industry or urban community, and has demonstrated collaborative effort and leadership to tackle urban problems through innovative approaches.

Nomination of individual candidates for the Leadership Prize can be made upon the candidate’s permission, by submitting the Leadership Application Form to explain how the individual’s achievements align with the Leadership Prize.

Nomination can strictly be made by individuals in any of the following categories:

  • Individuals who have worked for local governments, corporations, public or non-governmental organizations in the smart cities field over the past 10 years
  • Mayor or head of city offices and departments within the municipal government
  • President or CEOs of businesses, industry associations, consortiums, and cooperatives
  • Head of international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and civil society
  • Head of universities, academic institutions, and research centers

While self-nomination is also permitted, individual candidates should approach potential nominator(s) in the following categories for a letter of recommendation, which is included in the Leadership Application Form:

  • Mayor or head of city offices and departments within the municipal government
  • President or CEOs of businesses, industry associations, consortiums, and cooperatives
  • Head of international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and civil society
  • Head of universities, academic institutions, and research centers
  • Signature from more than 30 citizens can replace the letter of recommendation


Registration & Application Process

1) Click Apply on the website menu.

2) Choose the correct entity type (City, Company, Institution, Individual) among the categories you plan to apply (Tech-InnovaCity, Human-CentriCity, Leadership).

3) Fill out the registration form.

4) Fill out the application form that includes both qualitative and quantitative questionnaires.

5) Submit Application Form.

6) You will receive an application confirmation email upon submission.

7) Read more details on the application submission process and restrictions in Registration & Application Process (pg. 6-7) of the Guidelines

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation Criteria Table
Tech-InnovaCity Human-CentriCity Leadership
Problem -Centered Innovation: Appropriate identification of policy problems
Importance of policy problems
Alignment with national agenda
Evidence inquiry about the causes of targeted problems
Citizen engagement in problem identification process
Importance of policy problems
Alignment with Human-Centered Agenda
Evidence inquiry about the causes of targeted problems
Citizen engagement in problem identification process

A candidate contributed to bringing innovation and/or innovative application of technology and data, excellent use of technology and data that increased the quality of life of city residents, achieved significant impact (concepts, values, agendas, projects, products) on the smart cities industry or urban community, and has demonstrated collaborative effort and leadership to tackle urban problems through innovative approaches. *3rd party nomination or a letter of recommendation required for self-nomination

Rational Process of Project Development
Applying appropriate technology (appropriate technology matched with identified problems)
Applying & securing innovative technology
Rational process of project design
Evidence-based project design
Applying human-friendly solution/technology
Rational process of project design
Evidence-based project design
Feasible Budgeting & Planning
Feasible resource mobilization plan
Organization & staffing plan
Preparing contingency plan
Feasible resource mobilization plan
Organization & staffing plan
Equity & diversity in organization & staffing
Preparing contingency plan
Meticulous Project Implementation
Monitoring and evaluation activity
Feeding back M&E results for project improvement
Monitoring and evaluation activity
Feeding back M&E results for project improvement
Effort to Learn & Improve: M&E Feedback
Monitoring and evaluation activity
Feeding back M&E results for project improvement
Monitoring and evaluation activity
Feeding back M&E results for project improvement
Value Creation: Project outcome and effect
Direct/main effect of the project
Spill-over effect
Direct/main effect of the project
Human-centeredness of the main effect
Spill-over effect
DE&I Contribution

Evaluation Process

The first round of the evaluation will be conducted by the WeGO Secretariat and involves a process of screening the received applications. The WeGO Secretariat has the right to ask for any clarification or additional information from applicants, if necessary. Based on the evaluation methodology, when deemed necessary, additional public data at both the city- and country-levels for analysis will be added.

The Evaluation Committee will rate each application in accordance with the evaluation criteria and the 16 highest-scoring applications of each category (Tech-InnovaCity, Human-CentriCity), in total 32 applications, will move on to the third evaluation round.

The Prize council will conduct the third round of evaluation to discuss the application materials of the semi-finalists, review the applications of the leadership category, and finalize the semi-finalists.

Read more details on the evaluation criteria and process in Evaluation (pg. 7-8) and Evaluation Process (pg. 9) of the Guidelines