WeGO Attracting High Level Experts to the Steering Committee of the Seoul Smart City Prize
Seoul Launches Smart City Award to Bridge Urban Digitalization
박정숙 세계스마트시티기구 사무총장 "인간 중심 도시로 나가야"
Interview with the President of Le Temps, Yves Daccord, Welcoming as a Member of Seoul Smart City Prize Steering Committee
WeGO chief to promote smart, sustainable city vision at int'l forum in Geneva
Seoul launches international smart city awards highlighting environment, inclusion
First-ever Seoul Smart City Prize Winners Receive Awards from WeGO
Da Nang city wins Seoul Smart City Prize
Kaohsiung City's "Smart Agrinfo" App Wins Special Award at WeGO Seoul Smart City Awards
El Ayuntamiento de Madrid, galardonado con el Premio Silver Seúl Ciudad Inteligente
Konya’ya “Akıllı şehir liderlik ödülü’
Wellington’s digital smart-city model wins prize in Seoul
Seoul Smart City Prize to evolve into comprehensive exhibition this year
H.E. Maimunah Mohd Sharif Formalizes her Role as a Seoul Smart City Prize Steering Committee Member